

Unlock Your Hidden Potentials

with the Higher Order Psychic-Energetic (HOPE) Approach

Licensed Psychotherapist,

BA of Theology,

Examined Studies in

Human Resources, Management,

Business & Administration



The New Expanded Reality Perception &

 the Higher Order Psychic-Energetic Approach

The education of humanity into the many other dimensions of our reality will be a complex and transformative process that challenges our conventional understanding of existence.


It requires us to expand our awareness beyond the physical realm and to embrace the infinite possibilities that lie beyond our senses. It also invites us to connect with our higher order capacities, and our origins.


Building a bridge to the future humanities is not a sudden event, but a gradual and ongoing journey that each individual must undertake at their own pace and in their own way.


It is a journey of discovery, exploration, and integration that can bring us new insights, a new sense of purpose, and fulfillment, as well as challenges, confusion, and resistance.


This process-progressive journey is the ultimate expression of our free will and our creative potential, as we co-create our reality by the full insights to the higher order sciences of our reality field, self and others.

We must take on the task of “reforming” and reconstructing what we are, from a psychosocial level to a socio-innovative awareness level, working to transform who we are, how we are around others and how we administer the natural resources of our planet.

For Professionals and Folks Alike Aiming to Generate a Better Future For All....

1. How do we work with the new paradigms within sciences, psychology, and higher order awareness?

2. How do we engage in the individual growth processes in the activation and awakening process?

3. How do we implement the new sciences?

4. How do we generate new adaptation schemes and strategies that actually lead to global change?

Naturally, we begin with the individual, then groups, then institutions, then governance. 

Thus, the higher awareness lifestyle includes healthy lifestyle, the new sciences and new psychology to truly implement the new expanded ways of being human.

We live the everyday life with the expanded reality awareness switched on, living in this world with access to the expanded universe, its races and otherworldly realms.

3-Earth Theory and Other Future Sciences

The concept of a multidimensional universe, or a collection of parallel universes, has been explored by many scientists and philosophers over the years. However, what if we were to discover that there are not only multiple universes, but also multiple dimensions of reality within each one?

This is one of the questions that we will explore in the years to come, as we examine the possibility of an awakening of humanity into the multidimensional nature of our existence.

New Reality Sciences and Process-Progressive Perception

The notion of multidimensional reality fields, with its many inhabitants, within three main timelines implies a significant shift in the perception of our existence as well as the understanding of the fabric of our reality field.

It suggests that multiple potential futures are not only existing and within our reach, but also that our world is moving across time and space to merge or intertwine with other adjacent reality fields in ways, we currently have no sciences to describe. This is the basic concept behind the 3-Earth Theory. 

One challenge that potentially could arise from the concepts of multidimensional reality fields would be how to understand the increased complexity of navigating these extra dimensional holographic-energetic timelines.

However, we are to learn that there are no timelines, as in dependent on time, but holographic-energetic code streams connected to a complex holographic-energetic multidimensional reality structure from where realities and their different progression-process potentials arise to give grounds for consciousness evolution.

As different future possibilities merge in the years to come - depending on the chosen energy utilization, consciousness progression and higher order capacities of the ones thriving on the future code streams - it may become more difficult to anticipate and prepare for the outcomes of our actions, if we stick to our old ways. This could lead to uncertainty and ambiguity about the consequences of our decisions, requiring us to adapt and develop new strategies for decision-making and planning.

Furthermore, these ideas challenge our traditional notions of linear time and causality. As multiple timelines intersect, causality becomes more fluid, and events may no longer unfold in a predictable sequence. This could lead to a reevaluation of our understanding of cause and effect, as well as our perception of the past, present, and the future.

On the other hand, the future presents opportunities for innovation and discovery. As different future scenarios merge, new ideas and possibilities emerge that were previously inaccessible. This could lead to the development of new technologies, scientific theories, and philosophical insights that are inspired by the merging of diverse futures.

In terms of the future science, the multidimensional reality field idea may give rise to interdisciplinary fields that bridge previously separate areas of studies. For example, researchers may explore the intersections between quantum mechanics, cosmology, and psychology to understand the nature of reality in this new configuration. Similarly, advances in fields like artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and space exploration may be influenced by the convergence of timelines, leading to breakthroughs that redefine our understanding of the universe.

Overall, the higher order sciences present challenges and opportunities for humanity, or at least the ones that are willing to explore the new ideas. Navigating the new reality configuration, and its unravelling, will require flexibility, adaptability, and open-mindedness as we explore the implications of this profound shift in our understanding of time and existence.

The Societal Processes from Ideas to Execution






Learning New




The ways we perceive the world, with its laws of energy and what is possible, play a huge role in how we perceive ourselves and what we believe we can achieve as scientists.


The ways we perceive the body, with its laws of energy and what is possible, play a huge role in how we perceive ourselves and what we believe we can do as a physical being.


The ways we perceive the psyche, with its laws of energy and what is possible, play a huge role in how we perceive ourselves and what we believe we can develop of abilities.

We Work Together to Generate Changes

What we know, defines what we can perceive and interact with of complex information systems, be it on the everyday level, within the paradigms of science or within the advanced holographic-energetic planes of existence.









Finding New Ways to Progress our World and its Humanities into New Higher Order Progressive-Energetic Awareness & Perception of Reality.

Learn When You Are Ready

The HOPE Investigation and Ideas are Shared for Free

Ultimately, this future envisions a harmonious co-existence between humans, technology, and the natural world. By prioritizing the cultivation of our innate abilities and fostering a deep sense of interconnectedness, we create a society where humans thrive in alignment with themselves, each other, and the broader ecosystem of life. It's a future where the pursuit of progress is not divorced from our humanity but is deeply rooted in an appreciation for the profound richness of the human experience.

The More the Better

It is a Question of Momentum and Collective Shift

New Timelines - New Reality

We Will Learn New Ways of Time and Reality

Integrative Ideas

When We Learn New - We Progress and Prosper

New Individual Psychology

Being a Multidimensional Human Gives Rise to New

We Create Communities

With the New Ideas, We Can Begin to Create Communities

Online Booklets & Ideas

The HOPE Institute is the Place to Find the Information

Heading Towards a Better Future for Humanity

To Meet the Expanded Reality Progression Dynamics, the Future New Societies and the Challenges in Front of Us, We Need Humans with:

  • Broader Psychic-Energetic Skill Sets & Abilities
  • High-Psychological Functionality & Resilience
  • Living the Higher Order Holo-Energetic Lifestyle
  • Inner-Neuro-Ocular Learning & Adaptation Processes
  • Transfer of Residual Energies into Metabolic-Molecular Energy
  • Higher Dimensional White Flame Holo-Energetic Reconstruction of Energy System & Metabolic-Molecular Energy Field

New Higher Order Psychology and Expanded Reality Sciences must be Invented to Meet the New Dynamics of Reality Progression.

The Higher Order Psychic-Energetic Relationships

Get Started with the New Concepts & Requirements

Change is a process of learning new habits based upon new self-perception and frameworks of perception.

Yet, we need to go futher than that, what we are, and move into how we affect the reality fields around us, and how the reality fields around us affect us.

New Children Demands New Parenting Models

Get Started with the New Concepts & Requirements

Learning to work as a team, within the new family configuration in a world of change and energetic reality dynamics, will play a huge role in our perception of what it means to be a parent.

We must take on the task - as civil scientist and entrepreneurs - of reconstructing what we are, from a psychosocial level to a socio-innovative awareness level, working to transform who we are, how we are around others and how we administer the natural resources of our planet.

Because, as things are now, we are really not making a big difference.

Pioneering For New Approaches to Science

My ideas cannot be classified as pseudo-scientific, or as wrongful interpretations of the peer reviewed accepted sciences; they are the next steps of the expanded spectrum of complex information systems, and the higher order levels of knowledge, humans can grow into.

The work, I do, builds upon the work of the ones that have gone before me, and I am set to drive it further. I am a Pioneer and New-Thinker, and this site holds some of the patterns of change, that are needed to get humanity to the next level of their evolutionary journey. They are narratives of energy and holographic coding.