HOPE Counseling

The Higher Order Psychic-Energetic (HOPE) Multidimensional Counseling

HOPE Counselling - In Progress......

Over the years, from 2007 until 2016, I went into explorative and psychic-energetic processes without any forms of mind-altering substances, to find new techniques to amplify my higher order psychic-energetic abilities. I did so in self-reconstructive energy work, altered state meditation and deep contemplation processes reconstructed from the memories, I had of these, and adding this to my studies of the different techniques described and handed over in the ancient teaching systems.

I did so to prove that humans can alter what they are, to the core of their essence, in diverse forms of inner-outer psychic-energetic processes. That we do not need to add any chemical substances, or mind-altering remedies, to be able to activate, integrate and perform the higher order processes of the expanded human awareness.

The goal of the contemplative and meditative inner work is to change the typical synaptic electrochemical neural network.

We can do this via the psychodynamic and psychic-energetic transformative work within the current life emotional-behavioural patterns and mental inner-outer perception processes which, to a large extent, generate the conscious and subconscious currents of our everyday processes, perception of self, others, and reality.

Getting Ready for the MD Therapy

With my 20+ years work within this and other dimensions, I can assist you in your initiating processes of higher order awareness and awakening.

I strive to facilitate the energies needed to enable your growth processes to unfold and integrate.

I aim for the highest progression rate on an individual level, a collective level, and within our reality. Yet, I am patiently aware of the different paces and processes, each and one has to go through to get to their highest and full potentials.

I wish to support these processes individually, collectively, and energetically to the best of my abilities.

Learning New Psycho-Dynamic Processes

The ways we perceive the world, with its laws of energy and what is possible, play a huge role in how we perceive ourselves and what we believe we can do.

The future of our civilization will demand our full participation in the holographic-energetic, and higher order genetic, clearing of the past, the present and any conceivable future timelines (also called holographic-energetic code streams). We must acknowledge and embrace the higher order sciences of the otherworldly realities and their humanoid races, existing in parallel non-temporal and non-local realms made of otherworldly energies, yet part of our solar system. 

Most of what we know today must be thought through and information, long forgotten, must be rediscovered, and purged of its high level of distortions and misunderstandings. In this, we are to revisit and think-through general sciences, our understanding of reality, as well as the characteristics of the otherworldly and parallel realities, their civilizations, socio-cultural dynamics, and their light-years away advanced technologies.

Moreover, we must go all-out to grasp the implications of the holographic-energetic worlds and the future humanities. Be it the lesser or more promising futures, we have the possibilities of becoming part of.

Nothing is really what it appears to be in this realm. In the other worlds, what is perceived is interactive with the energetic fields of the observer.


Our journey of progression is to reconnect to the true worlds and pierce the veil that has been put between the inner and outer worlds, cloaking our true perception abilities.

What We Were in the Past Lives - under the Laws of the Cycles -  Determine Who and What We are Now...

The Circumstances of What Life Offers Us...

However, the Now Determines our Future via our Choices, Actions, and Kind Deeds....

Need to Know More?

Get in Touch.....

Please write me an email, if you have questions to the work methods or need other clarifications.