New Sciences

The Higher Order Psychic-Energetic (HOPE) Sciences

Pioneering For New Multidimensional Sciences

The concept of a multidimensional universe, or a collection of parallel universes, has been explored by many scientists and philosophers over the years. However, what if we were to discover that there are not only multiple universes, but also multiple dimensions of reality within each one?


What if we were to realize that our reality is not governed by a single source or a divine creator, but by countless advanced civilizations that have the ability to shape and manipulate their own reality fields? How would this affect our understanding of ourselves and our place in the cosmos?


This is the question that we will explore in the years to come, as we examine the possibility of an awakening of humanity into the multidimensional nature of our existence.


We must Investigate what Reality Truly is, and what a Human Truly is, before We Can Access the Higher Order Levels of Reality.

If We Stick to What We Have Learned as Part of the Outer Reality, We Will not Learn to Unfold Our True Potentials....

Learning New Dynamic Reality Processes

The ways we perceive the world, with its laws of energy and what is possible, play a huge role in how we perceive ourselves and what we believe we can do.

In the beginning of my progression work, most of my inner work was focused on the apt reconstruction of the holographic-energetic network behind the physical brain, i.e., from the electrochemical structural and neurotypical configuration[1] into the holographic-energetic neural network architecture, allowing it to function and perceive within the holographic-energetic reality constructions.

To gain that ability I had to develop new energetic-explorative psychodynamic techniques to reach new forms of electrochemical alteration processes, from which I could transform the, of this life and previous lives, activated as well as dormant emotional energy patterns and cognitive schemata as they presented themselves in my contemplative and meditative inner work. This type of work takes place within the 3 lower (mental, emotional, and bio-codes) and higher order holographic-energetic architecture connected to this body.

[1] "Neurotypical describes someone who processes information in ways that are typical within their culture and among their peers. On the other hand, neurodivergent describes people who process information in a different way....." Source:

Nothing is really what it appears to be in this realm. In the other worlds, what is perceived is interactive with the energetic fields of the observer.


Our journey of progression is to reconnect to the true worlds and pierce the veil that has been put between the inner and outer worlds, cloaking our true perception abilities.

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Please write me an email, if you have questions to the work methods or need other clarifications.