Process-Progressive Relationships

Another Way to Relate to Other People

Process-Progressive Awareness in Relationships

Process-progressive awareness in relationships encompasses emotional intelligence, communication, and the cultivation of a joint field or synergy between partners. By nurturing these aspects, individuals can foster deeper connections, mutual growth, and fulfillment within their relationships, ultimately contributing to the well-being and success of both themselves and the relationship as a whole.


However, aside from the traditional approached to the many aspects of a relationship, the process-progressive aspect of relationships can also be seen in the light of higher awareness involves individuals who are consciously evolving and expanding their consciousness.

Such relationships are characterized by mutual growth, conscious communication, energetic connection, and a deep honoring of each other's individual paths. They serve as vehicles for personal and collective transformation, enriching the lives of both partners and contributing to the evolution of consciousness on a larger scale.

Learning New Psycho-Dynamics in Relationships

A dedication to achieve an altered-state lifestyle and the daily effort to achieve the higher order expanded awareness, and what it takes to unfold this, is required. As with all things in life, we strive to master, the abilities to access and unfold the expanded awareness is a matter of training, although the daily training for this, in many cases, exceeds what the majority of people are willing to take on. Yet, what matters the most is rarely something that is granted without challenges, although we might want it to be that way.

The higher order holographic realities and their holographic multilayered energy units operate in dissimilar ways than our everyday reality physics and therefore the learning process to master these inner higher order levels of our capacities hold many inner and outer challenges. These developmental challenges are both of a physical nature as well as a psychological.

We must address and explore the incomplete ways we have learned to process information systems, and other systems of thoughts, because these are important in our discernment of the experienced holographic-energetic levels of our reality.

What we know, defines what we can perceive and interact with of complex information systems, be it on everyday levels, within the paradigms of science or within the advanced holographic-energetic planes of existence.

Process-Progressive Awareness in relationships refers to the ability to perceive and understand the various lower and higher order layers and dynamics present within interpersonal connections.

From a psychotherapeutic angle, this concept encompasses the idea that relationships are not just complex and multifaceted, influenced by factors such as individual histories, emotions, communication styles, and relational patterns. But that they have an otherworldly and energetic components to them as well.


From an individual perspective within relationships, process-progressive awareness involves developing a deeper understanding of oneself and others within the context of the relationship. This includes:


Self-awareness: Understanding one's own thoughts, feelings, needs, and behaviors within the relationship. This involves introspection and reflection on personal values, beliefs, and past experiences that may impact the current dynamics.


Other-awareness: Recognizing and empathizing with the perspectives, emotions, and needs of the other person(s) in the relationship. This involves active listening, perspective-taking, and attunement to verbal and nonverbal cues.


Relationship-awareness: Being mindful of the relational dynamics, patterns, and communication styles that influence interactions between individuals. This includes recognizing triggers, conflicts, and strengths within the relationship and being open to exploring and addressing them constructively.

Individual Awakening: Each person enters a relationship with their own level of self-awareness, consciousness, and personal growth. An individual who is more awakened or self-aware may have a deeper understanding of themselves, their emotions, and their patterns of behaviour. They may have undergone personal development work, spiritual practices, or introspection that has led to greater clarity, insight, and alignment with their true selves.


Mutual Growth: When two individuals with a high level of awareness come together in a relationship, there is the potential for mutual growth and expansion. They may inspire and support each other on their respective journeys of self-discovery and transformation. Rather than seeking fulfilment solely from the relationship, they recognize that their partner can complement and enhance their own growth process.


Conscious Communication: Awakened individuals tend to engage in conscious communication, which involves speaking from a place of authenticity, empathy, and presence. They are attuned to their own needs and boundaries while also respecting those of their partner. This type of communication fosters deep connection, trust, and intimacy within the relationship.


Energetic Awareness Connection: Higher awareness in relationships may also involve an energetic awareness connection and a shared sense of purpose of progression. Awakened individuals may feel a sense of resonance and alignment with their partner on a higher order level. They may explore energetic practices together, such as meditation, mindfulness, or yoga, which deepen their connection and understanding of each other.


Transformational Relationships: Relationships between awakened individuals have the potential to be transformational, serving as catalysts for personal and collective evolution. Through their interactions and experiences together, they may confront and heal past wounds, transcend limiting beliefs, and expand into higher states of consciousness.


Honoring Individual Paths: Despite being in a relationship, awakened individuals honour and respect each other's individual paths and sovereignty. They understand that each person's journey is unique and support their partner in expressing their authentic selves fully.

The Process-Progressive Awareness aspect in relationships could also be interpreted as the levels of emotional intelligence, communication, or the ability to generate a joint field of the relationship where both build to achieve the highest good of each individual and the relationship as an energetic aspect.

These aspects are in more detail:


Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions, as well as to perceive and empathize with the emotions of others. In the context of relationships, individuals with high emotional intelligence are better equipped to navigate interpersonal dynamics, communicate effectively, and resolve conflicts constructively. They are attuned to their own emotional states and can regulate their responses in interactions with their partners. Additionally, they are sensitive to the emotional needs of their partners and can respond with empathy and compassion, fostering a deeper connection and mutual understanding within the relationship.


Communication: Effective communication is essential for building and maintaining healthy relationships. It involves not only expressing thoughts and feelings clearly but also active listening, empathy, and openness to feedback. In multidimensional relationships, communication extends beyond surface-level exchanges to include deeper emotional expression, vulnerability, and authenticity. Partners strive to communicate honestly and transparently, sharing their needs, desires, and concerns while also being receptive to their partner's perspective. By fostering open and honest communication, individuals can cultivate mutual trust, intimacy, and respect within the relationship.

Joint Field or Synergy: The concept of a joint field or synergy within a relationship refers to the idea that the individuals involved co-create a shared space or energetic connection that transcends their individual selves. In this state, both partners contribute to and benefit from a harmonious balance of energies, intentions, and goals. This joint field is characterized by mutual support, collaboration, and a shared sense of purpose or vision. It involves aligning individual aspirations and values to work towards the highest good of both individuals and the relationship as a whole. In this state, the relationship becomes a dynamic entity in itself, evolving and growing through the mutual contributions of both partners.

Overall, process-progressive awareness in relationships encompasses emotional intelligence, communication, and the cultivation of a joint field or synergy between partners. By nurturing these aspects, individuals can foster deeper connections, mutual growth, and fulfillment within their relationships, ultimately contributing to the well-being and success of both themselves and the relationship as a whole.

Let Us Find Better Ways!

One possible way of being human in an advanced civilization with the minimum use of technology and artificial robotic mechanics would be to embrace a more natural and holistic lifestyle. The HOPE Institute advocates for this solution.


This solution could involve living in harmony with the environment, cultivating organic food, practicing mindfulness and meditation, and fostering meaningful relationships with other humans and animals.


Such a way of being human could offer a sense of fulfillment, peace, and joy that is often lacking in a highly technological and mechanized society. It could also reduce the negative impacts of pollution, waste, and exploitation on the planet and its inhabitants.