Public Disclosure Project 2029

The Next Steps in Disclosure 2029?

Proposed Ideas for Public Disclosure Processes

I asked this question in the booklet Public Disclosure in 2029?

How would a full disclosure of a hypothetical secret space program utilizing extraterrestrial technology potentially unfold? 

Of course, what was presented there constitutes a preliminary work paper and offers an open invitation for contemplation and investigation of how this event is going to unfold. Because it will unfold. Why is that? 

Our world is being altered and has been in this process for as long as this world has existed. 

These processes of change have been and are implemented by the use of advanced holographic-energetic technologies originating from previous highly advanced human and humanoid civilizations that have played their part in structuring and terraforming our solar system to their needs. 

Our current world and its inhabitants, existential drama and history - past, present and future - is just another world in a long string of worlds that have unfolded their consciousness potentials within our sector.  

However, this changed in the 1950’s where other extraterrestrial species entered our solar system. They equipped certain clandestine military units with foreign to our system alien technology. This changed the foundational structure of our sector. 

This was possible because of the fully functional reverse engineered and integrated extraterrestrial technology which have been in the hands of selected groups within humanity since the 1950’s. This technology is yet to be revealed to the public, as I write this book in 2024. The different extraterrestrial groups behind this shared technology have demanded that the general human population will be informed and educated to operate this technology by 2029 at the latest. This will be a game changer for our civilization. 

For more background information please notice that I have already written 6 published books explaining the higher order reality sciences and the levels of information necessary to understand the extraterrestrial factions and their operations within our solar system. 

I have similarly produced 21 HAL Academy courses explaining the transition dynamics, how to do the energy and template work that must become part of our everyday routine to achieve the psychic-energetic configuration that is required to recreate the higher order  holographic-energetic template. 

You can find my material on the HAL Academy website

The Background is Explained in this Series

From now and until 2035, there will be a push for a global acceptance the hidden realities. Many good people have worked with these, and the deeper implications of intersecting parallel system races operating within our reality.

However, we must go even further into the exploration of the otherworldly sciences, their laws of reality and reality dynamics to really get what is going on here. In my opinion, we cannot apply our sciences to the other worlds, and not until we implement that understanding will we be left in the dark. Much more to learn and much more to investigate, and we are already lightyears behind.

A New Form of Public Disclosure Project? 

Our world is being altered as we speak, and yet it is to be understood that it has been in this process for as long as this world has existed. 

These processes of change are, and have been, implemented by the use of advanced holographic-energetic technologies originating from previous highly advanced human and humanoid civilizations that have played their part in structuring and terraforming our solar system to their needs. 

Our current world and its inhabitants, existential drama and history - past, present and future - is just another world in a long string of worlds that have unfolded their consciousness potentials within our sector.  

However, this changed in the 1950’s where foreign extraterrestrial species entered our solar system. They equipped certain clandestine military units with foreign to our system extraterrestrial technology. This changed the foundational structure of our sector and opened up to other dimensional parallel universes that we are not naturally adjacent to.

This was made possible because of the now and then functional reverse engineered and integrated extraterrestrial technology which have been in the hands of selected groups within humanity since the 1950’s. This technology is yet to be revealed to the public, and as I write this book in 2024, we are still awaiting the disclosure of these projects. 

Thus, the parallel universes extraterrestrial groups behind this shared technology have demanded that the general human population will be informed and educated to operate this technology by 2029 at the latest. They demand this to happen, in order to continue the next level of their developmental processes within our solar system. This will be a game changer for our civilization. 

Up until now, the outsourcing of these technologies has been gradual since the 1950s, to various degrees. First reverse engineered into stealth military equipment, and later on, implemented into the public domain as goods and services, such as the computer and the Internet. These technologies gave our world the boost it needed to enter the AI generative age, where we - as a civilization - were lifted out of the mechanical-industrial age and into the technocratic AI driven future.

This future is not our goal. Yes, we are to utilize advanced technologies. All advanced civilizations do that and the original solar system humanities were no exception. However, there is a huge difference between utilizing AI as assistance to our own consciousness explorative evolution for the highest good of the many, and the AI technocratic worlds driven by AI as the overseeing system of the matrix-holographic computing reality fields. 

Our solar system is based upon structures of holographic-energetic units that are intertwined with consciousness progression dynamics. The goal is overall progression of consciousness and lifeforms into their highest potentials. These are the signs of the original human reality fields.

The AI technocratic worlds arise in systems that are on the brink of extinction, and reality field grid depletion. Here the AI overseeing technology assures the most efficient ways of preserving the reality field, and by that modify the life forms into what the AI Cubes deem as best possible ways of existence to preserve and uphold the world, and its developmental programs.

This includes the production of android bots, android driven semi-organic vessels (Greys) along with different degrees of organic lifeforms, such as insectoid races.

Civil Groups and Their Role in the Disclosure

Suggestions to Civilian Group Processes

- Possible Civilian Activities Before and After 2029

The goal of this booklet is to assist the future, and growing, civilian groups that will be the pioneers and inventors of the pro-human future humanities. 

Is this a call to action? Yes. Is it a call to push back the technocratic overseeing AI Cubes that already are implemented in the 5th dimension of our planet. Perhaps. The possibility-rate of such an action is low at the moment. However, as more humans become able to activate their original consciousness potentials, and reconnect to the original reality grids and consciousness networks of the true human races, the more likely it is that we will enter into the original 5th cycle of advanced civilizations that our solar system is equipped to unfold. 

Unfortunately, to get there, we must clear the deeds of our own past that led to the reseeding of the human race, the colonization 15,000 years ago from other sectors and the depleted and ruined 5th cycle grids and consciousness networks. 

We have a lot of repairing to do, and a lot of new better choices to take to undo these mistakes of the past. I will dedicate other booklets for the insights needed to do this. For now, we look into the practical side of societal work for the pro-human civil groups.

How Could a Full Disclosure Potentially Unfold?

A full disclosure of a secret reality program utilizing extraterrestrial technology would involve several stages:

  1. Initial Announcement: Government leaders announce the program's existence and purpose, leading to intense media coverage and public reaction.
  2. Detailed Briefings: Public and expert briefings provide in-depth information, engaging the scientific community for verification and further research.
  3. Documentation Release: Declassification of documents and technical data allows for public and expert review, with legal issues addressed regarding technology ownership.
  4. International Response: Global diplomatic reactions prompt discussions on international cooperation and security regulations.
  5. Public Reaction and Societal Impact: Diverse public opinions, cultural shifts, and economic impacts emerge as new technologies disrupt existing industries.
  6. Ongoing Developments: Continued research and development, alongside ethical and philosophical debates, shape the future trajectory of humanity.

This disclosure would profoundly alter our understanding of the universe, technology, and society, necessitating careful management of the ensuing challenges.

In the below Booklet, I outline a potential process to Public Disclosure in 2029. 

More material to come, since this is just the beginning of the Public Disclosure Projecct 2029 

What we Know, Defines What We can Perceive and Interact with of Complex Information Systems... Be it on Everyday Level, within the Paradigms of Science or Within the Advanced Holographic-Energetic Planes of Existence.

The Important Tool in this Work is the Brain

In the beginning of my process-progressive awareness processes, most of my inner work was focused on the apt reconstruction of the holographic-energetic network behind the physical brain, i.e., from the electrochemical structural and neurotypical configuration[1] into the holographic-energetic neural network architecture, allowing it to function and perceive within the holographic-energetic reality constructions.

We need this type of higher order process-progressive awareness to be able to truly grasp the implications of what a new reality disclosure really is. Because, it is not JUST about the UAPs and the Other worlds. It is about our own past, what we have lost and what we can gain, if we resume our true higher order advanced consciousness potentials. 

These were lost in the last cataclysm, that changed the surface of our world, some 12.000 years ago. We are now in the processes of fully grasping what this really means for us a civilization.

[1] "Neurotypical describes someone who processes information in ways that are typical within their culture and among their peers. On the other hand, neurodivergent describes people who process information in a different way....."


The goal of the contemplative and meditative inner work is to change the typical synaptic electrochemical neural network.

We can do this via the psychodynamic and psychic-energetic transformative work within the current life emotional-behavioural patterns and mental inner-outer perception processes which, to a large extent, generate the conscious and subconscious currents of our everyday processes, perception of self, others, and reality.

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