HOPE Library

New Awareness - New Approach to the Reality Changes

The HOPE Booklets Aim to Generate New Perceptions

We are moving rapidly into the future timeline connected to our reality field, from where the potentials of the future worlds, their holographic-energetic sciences and structures can connect to us as energetic potentials. But what does that imply for us? What are the challenges in this? The ideas and the sciences that will arise from the new reality configuration?

Research Content Online

Most of the material, I have generated for this website is offered for free. 

Study the booklets in PDF online or download them.

Learn How Things Connect

The webpages, the booklets and the videos are part of a larger framework.

The idea is to generate a patterns of change for all.

Search and Research

I propose a lot of ideas on this website. I strongly recommend that you do your own research.

The more we investigate, the better we can discern.

A Future Where We Can Thrive

Imagine a future where we can thrive as humans, without the need for artificial enhancements or implants. A future where we can preserve our natural abilities and senses, and work to expand these into their higher order equivalent.


A future where we enjoy the beauty and diversity of life. And where we can respect and protect the environment that sustains us, and coexist peacefully with other species.

A future where we can value our human dignity and freedom, and resist the temptations of conformity and control. This is the future that we envision and strive for, a future that supports our progression possibilities.

In envisioning a future where humans thrive without artificial enhancements or implants, we embark on a journey that celebrates and maximizes our innate potential as biological beings. This future challenges the notion that technological augmentation is the only path to progress, instead emphasizing the cultivation and evolution of our natural abilities and senses.

One key aspect of this future is the preservation of our natural human form and its associated abilities. Rather than relying on external technologies to enhance our cognitive or physical capabilities, we prioritize the development of practices and methodologies that optimize our existing biological functions. This may involve advancements in holistic healthcare, nutrition, and lifestyle practices that promote physical health, mental clarity, and emotional well-being.

Furthermore, in this future, we recognize the inherent value and wisdom of our natural senses and faculties. Rather than seeking to replace or augment them with artificial counterparts, we invest in research and education that explores the full potential of our human senses. This could lead to breakthroughs in areas such as sensory perception, intuition, and extrasensory abilities, allowing us to perceive and interact with the world in more profound and nuanced ways.

Moreover, this future encourages the expansion of our natural abilities into their higher order equivalents. Instead of seeking external technologies to perform tasks for us, we focus on developing our cognitive and creative capacities to new heights. This could involve education systems that prioritize critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, empowering individuals to unlock their full intellectual potential and contribute meaningfully to society.

Additionally, in this future, we embrace the interconnectedness of mind, body, and higher order awareness, recognizing that true human flourishing encompasses all aspects of our being. Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and contemplative inquiry are integrated into everyday life, fostering inner peace, self-awareness, and higher order consciouness growth.

Overall, this future represents a holistic approach to human development that values the richness and complexity of our natural existence. It celebrates the potential of the human body, mind, and higher order senses, and encourages us to explore new frontiers of human potential without relying solely on external technologies.

By nurturing and expanding our innate abilities, we create a future where humans thrive in harmony with themselves, each other, and the natural world.

3-Earth Theory Booklet

One of these versions is the future earth, where humanity has evolved to a higher level of consciousness and technology.

Another version is the parallel earth, where different choices and events have led to a different outcome for our planet. These alternative realities are normally invisible to us, because they vibrate at a different rate than our current earth. However, some people claim that they have experienced glimpses of these other worlds, either through dreams, visions, or psychic abilities. But what if these glimpses were not just anomalies, but signs of a major shift in our reality? 

A Changing World

The world is changing rapidly, and so are the challenges and opportunities that we face as a civilization.

We are living in an era of technological, social, and environmental transformations, which require us to rethink our roles and responsibilities as parents, educators, and citizens.

We are no longer bound by the traditional norms and expectations of procreation and parenthood, but we have the freedom and the responsibility to choose how we want to contribute to the future of humanity.

So, we are to learn how to apply the principles and practices of mentorship and facilitation in our everyday life, how to foster a culture of curiosity and collaboration in our family and community, how to support our children's holistic development and well-being, how to cultivate our own personal growth and transformation, and how to create a positive impact in the world through our actions and choices.

New Parenting Models Booklet

Being a primary caretaker has enough challenges, i.e., new learning processes, multiple new psychological adaptation processes and the daily 1000 little things, that stretch the flexibility and patience muscles. But we grow with the task, and eventually we can say that we are good enough parents and primary caretakers because nobody is perfect. But we aim to become the best parents and primary caretakers, we have the possibility to become.

Higher order awareness is the ability to perceive reality beyond the limitations of the ego, the mind, and the senses. It is a state of consciousness that transcends the ordinary and everyday life, and allows us to access a deeper and broader perspective of ourselves and the world.


Higher order awareness is a dynamic and evolving process that can be cultivated and enhanced through various practices, such as meditation, mindfulness, self-inquiry, and self-healing.


Higher order awareness can lead to various benefits, such as improved health, well-being, creativity, empathy, compassion, wisdom, peace, joy, etc., as well as to the discovery of new potentials and possibilities for humanity. The higher order awareness can help us create a more harmonious and sustainable civilization.

Envisioning, adapting, and implementing the concept of multiple Earths existing simultaneously would require a multidisciplinary approach that incorporates elements of science, philosophy, ethics, technology, and cultural understanding. Here's a framework for how we might approach this:

1. Research and Exploration:
- Invest in scientific research to explore the theoretical underpinnings of alternate realities, including concepts from quantum mechanics, string theory, and multidimensional physics.

- Foster interdisciplinary collaborations between scientists, philosophers, ethicists, and technologists to explore the implications of a multiverse on various aspects of human society and individual experience.

2. Education and Awareness:
- Develop educational programs and materials to introduce the concept of multiple Earths and alternate realities to the general public.

- Encourage critical thinking and open-mindedness in approaching the idea of a multidimensional reality, promoting discussion and exploration of its philosophical, ethical, and scientific implications.

3. Technology and Innovation:
- Invest in the development of technologies that could facilitate exploration and interaction with alternate realities, such as advanced virtual reality systems, quantum computing, and consciousness exploration tools.
- Support research into methods for manipulating vibrational states or consciousness to access alternate realities safely and ethically.

4. Ethical Frameworks:
- Establish ethical guidelines and frameworks for exploring and interacting with alternate realities, ensuring that ethical considerations are integrated into research and development processes.
- Foster discussions and debates around ethical dilemmas related to interdimensional exploration, including issues of identity, intervention, and responsibility.

5. Cultural Integration:
- Encourage dialogue and cultural exchange between societies from different Earths, promoting mutual understanding and cooperation across dimensions.
- Explore the cultural, artistic, and philosophical implications of a multidimensional reality, encouraging creative expression and interpretation of the concept in various forms of media and art.

6. Policy and Governance:
- Develop policies and governance structures to regulate interdimensional exploration and interaction, addressing issues such as jurisdiction, property rights, and conflict resolution across dimensions.
- Establish international agreements and protocols for interdimensional diplomacy and cooperation, facilitating peaceful and responsible engagement with alternate realities.

7. Community Engagement:
- Foster community engagement and participation in envisioning and adapting to the concept of multiple Earths, encouraging diverse perspectives and voices in shaping the future of interdimensional exploration and interaction.
- Support grassroots initiatives and projects that explore the cultural, social, and personal implications of a multiverse, empowering individuals and communities to envision and create their own narratives within this framework.

By adopting a comprehensive and collaborative approach that integrates scientific inquiry, philosophical reflection, ethical consideration, technological innovation, cultural integration, and community engagement, we can best envision, adapt to, and implement the concept of multiple Earths existing simultaneously, navigating the opportunities and challenges of a multiverse with curiosity, creativity, and responsibility.