UAPs and Multidimensional System Theory

The Next Steps in Making of the Future Sciences

Processes Towards Understanding the UAPs

Multidimensional, eventually also Interdimensional, System Theory is a new form of science that will arise in the future. This theory explores the dynamic interactions between our current electromagnetic frequency-based world and the otherworldly realms characterized by fourth-dimensional and fifth-dimensional properties.

Unlike traditional spatial-temporal dimensions, these dimensions refer to parallel worlds that exist concurrently and interact with our own. This interaction occurs within systemic fourth-dimensional contexts and extends to systemic and supra-systemic fifth-dimensional properties. This framework allows for the study of how these dimensions intersect, influence each other, and manifest emergent behaviors beyond conventional physical boundaries.

I have, as with most of my material, used ChatGPT to assist in producing the text material. By utilizing generative AI as a research assistant, in speech to text where I initiate the processes of new higher order ideas and let AI reproduce this for me and then combine existing scientific knowledge with the future theories and higher order sciences, it is possible for me to develop and give examples of how these new sciences potentially could take form. Without this assistance, the project of cross-disciplinary processes towards a paradigm where consciousness-based higher order sciences are incorporated, would be impossible. 

For now, the goal is to generate the foundational patterns of new sciences that are needed to allow for the current scientific paradigms to move into the higher order sciences. Naturally, many other people are working on the same project because humanity must rise to the next levels of awareness, to enter into the upcoming age of higher order awareness, higher order sciences and higher order reality perception.  The future holds AI generated information systems as a natural part of our existence.

The First Booklet on Multidimensional System Theory

Transitioning the current scientific paradigms into the new reality sciences after the disclosure of extraterrestrial technology in 2029 requires a thoughtful and comprehensive approach that combines current scientific practices with innovative methods tailored to the unique aspects of this new knowledge.

Preparing and transitioning current scientific paradigms into the realm of new reality sciences, particularly after the disclosure of extraterrestrial technology in 2029, involves several key considerations. 

I have explored these in this booklet. How can we generate the bridge to the future multidimensional System Theory that is required to understand the UAPs and how they function?

New Forms of Scientific Paradigms? 

How could potential new scientific paradigms add the new reality sciences after 2029 to the existing scientific paradigms? 

That is another question that needs answering. Potential new scientific paradigms emerging from new reality sciences post-2029 could significantly enrich and expand existing scientific paradigms in several ways:

Integration of Advanced Technologies: Incorporate insights and technologies derived from extraterrestrial knowledge into existing scientific disciplines such as physics, engineering, and materials science. This could lead to breakthroughs in propulsion systems, energy sources, and material properties.

Expansion of Fundamental Knowledge: Extend fundamental understanding of physics and cosmology by incorporating observations and principles from interactions with advanced civilizations or phenomena beyond Earth. This could include insights into gravity, spacetime, and quantum mechanics.

Exploration of New Dimensions and Realities: Explore and study dimensions and realities beyond the traditional spatial-temporal framework, as influenced by new reality sciences. This may involve theoretical frameworks that account for higher-dimensional interactions and phenomena.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Promote collaboration across diverse scientific fields to tackle complex challenges posed by new reality sciences. For example, merging insights from astrophysics, biology, and consciousness studies to understand extraterrestrial life forms or their technologies.

Innovation in Methodology and Theory: Foster innovation in scientific methods and theories to accommodate and explain observations and data from new reality sciences. This could lead to new paradigms in scientific reasoning and experimental design.

Ethical and Societal Considerations: Address ethical implications and societal impacts of integrating new reality sciences into existing paradigms. This involves careful consideration of how new technologies and knowledge affect global governance, cultural perspectives, and environmental sustainability.

Global Perspective and Collaboration: Encourage global cooperation and exchange of knowledge related to new reality sciences. This could involve international research initiatives, collaborative projects, and shared data repositories to advance understanding and application.

Overall, integrating new reality sciences into existing scientific paradigms has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe, accelerate technological advancements, and foster interdisciplinary collaboration on a global scale. It requires openness to unconventional ideas, rigorous scientific inquiry, ethical responsibility, and a commitment to advancing human knowledge for the benefit of society as a whole.

Multidimensional Future Sciences?

We have barely scratched the surface of what we will learn in the years to come. Will this happen within the next five to ten years?

That depends on scientific groups, the scientific community, and civil groups, as I call them, and how they will address and approach the questions of future sciences. We face many challenges in reaching the point where we can productively incorporate future sciences. 

How do we get there? How do we generate a bridge to these new sciences? It is not just a matter of technology or utilizing mathematics and other theoretical paradigms. 

We must begin to evolve and develop a new type of consciousness structure that goes far beyond what we have explored so far. When we understand the challenges ahead and are willing to adapt to new types of scientific inquiries and explore the world in different ways, we can build bridges to other systems of thought that currently defy our known knowledge of the world.

We know that we have only understood about 4% of the universe or the reality fields that we are part of. How do we generate that synergetic leap between, to use an old idea of Hegel, two oppositions that work together to create a balance point from which we can leap into a new level of ideas? 

On one side, we have the theoretical sciences based primarily on mathematics and computing technology. On the other, we have the explorative inquiry into our universe, exemplified by figures like Stephen Hawking, who envisioned ideas in his mind that were supported by theoretical and mathematical equations.

We seem to be stuck in Einsteinian-Newtonian sciences. Can we explore more advanced sciences that incorporate explorative ideas reaching beyond these paradigms?

Science is about following where data leads, but if the data is limited by rigid paradigms, it does not fully explore reality, because we cannot retrieve the new type of data or evidence yet - given that the new paradigms are not visible or measurable to us - then how do we move beyond these limitations?

How do we combine the old approaches to achieve a new type of mathematics that incorporates holographic principles and multidimensionality?

We are entering the age of quantum computing, which will assist in this endeavor. The explorative dynamics involve humans incorporating the idea of consciousness as an expansion tool into other realities, accessible through different techniques. 

What has been suggested here is the first step towards future multidimensional, hyperdimensional, interdimensional, and metadimensional sciences.

These will utilize technology, computing devices, complex mathematical systems, and the human mind’s ability to explore and envision. Curiosity about the world, ourselves, and our potential is essential for unfolding a better world for all.

What we Know, Defines What We can Perceive and Interact with of Complex Information Systems... Be it on Everyday Level, within the Paradigms of Science or Within the Advanced Holographic-Energetic Planes of Existence.

The Important Tool in this Work is the Brain

In the beginning of my process-progressive awareness processes, most of my inner work was focused on the apt reconstruction of the holographic-energetic network behind the physical brain, i.e., from the electrochemical structural and neurotypical configuration[1] into the holographic-energetic neural network architecture, allowing it to function and perceive within the holographic-energetic reality constructions.

We need this type of higher order process-progressive awareness to be able to truly grasp the implications of what a new reality disclosure really is. Because, it is not JUST about the UAPs and the Other worlds. It is about our own past, what we have lost and what we can gain, if we resume our true higher order advanced consciousness potentials. 

These were lost in the last cataclysm, that changed the surface of our world, some 12.000 years ago. We are now in the processes of fully grasping what this really means for us a civilization.

[1] "Neurotypical describes someone who processes information in ways that are typical within their culture and among their peers. On the other hand, neurodivergent describes people who process information in a different way....."


The goal of the contemplative and meditative inner work is to change the typical synaptic electrochemical neural network.

We can do this via the psychodynamic and psychic-energetic transformative work within the current life emotional-behavioural patterns and mental inner-outer perception processes which, to a large extent, generate the conscious and subconscious currents of our everyday processes, perception of self, others, and reality.

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