Newsletter September 2024

The Planetary Merry-Go-Round

September 4th 2024

Today, September 4th, marks a significant shift in our reality. Throughout the night, the skies were alive with wild thunderstorms, a breathtaking spectacle of rolling energy that many have come to recognise as more than just a natural phenomenon.

The storms were not merely a weather event but a cosmic cover—a veil of electric fury shielding the arrival of new extraterrestrial factions into our dimensional reality. 

These factions are not newcomers in the strictest sense; rather, they are old cosmic players whose presence has gone dormant until this precise moment. Much like how a merry-go-round brings riders into view before they fade back into the background, these entities cycle in and out of our reality, activating projects and agendas that remain hidden until their return.

The Role of Thunderstorms in Extraterrestrial Arrivals

Traditional science explains thunderstorms as a simple interaction of atmospheric conditions—moisture, instability, and lift. However, what we experienced last night goes beyond meteorological explanation. The thunderstorms, in this case, were the result of significant alterations in our ionosphere—a consequence of inter-dimensional crafts entering our space.

These crafts, vibrating at frequencies unfamiliar to our earthly reality, create a shift in our environment as they pass through. This disturbance in the ionosphere manifests as the violent storms we witnessed. It’s as though the sky itself is reacting to the presence of these otherworldly visitors, echoing with the thunderous impact of their arrival.

Who Are These New Factions?

While the specifics of these groups remain shrouded in mystery, we know that they are here with distinct missions, unique to their origin and purpose. Some may be explorers, others observers, and still others may have roles that intertwine with the fabric of human destiny. Their projects, which have lain dormant, will now awaken, subtly influencing our reality in ways that may not be immediately apparent.

As they integrate into our dimensional space, their energies will interact with our own, bringing shifts in consciousness, technology, and perhaps even altering the course of events in ways that will only become clear in time.

Once we get more in alignment with the new reality configuration, the energy they’ve brought with them will begin to manifest in our world. Be mindful of the subtle shifts in your surroundings, the sudden inspirations, or even the unexpected challenges that may arise. These are the signs of their presence and the beginnings of their work here.

Stay Connected

As we move forward, we encourage you to stay attuned to the energies around you. This is a time of great change, and with it comes the opportunity for growth, understanding, and deeper connection with the cosmos. Keep your senses open and your mind receptive to the possibilities that this new chapter brings.

Integrating New Reality Shifts into Everyday Life

As these new factions influence our reality, expect shifts not just in your personal energy but in the broader energetic landscape of society. Here’s what this might mean for your daily practice and how you can navigate these changes:

1. Enhanced Intuition and Synchronicities: Expect heightened intuition and more frequent synchronicities. Trust your inner guidance and be open to unexpected opportunities that align with your own chosen path.

2. Reality as a Dynamic Network of Energy: Recognise that reality is a holographic-energetic construct that can shift rapidly. Use this awareness to consciously understand your experiences. Visualise positive outcomes and align your actions with these visions.

3. New Energetic Tools: As the new energies become more apparent, you might find yourself drawn to new energetic tools or practices. These could be ancient techniques reactivated by the incoming energies or entirely new modalities. Explore these with curiosity and see how they affect your routine and in what manner.

4. Energetic Boundaries: With new reality energies in play, maintaining clear energetic boundaries is crucial. Regularly cleanse your space, both physically and energetically, to ensure that only the highest forms of energies are present in your environment.

5. Collective Shifts: On a larger scale, be aware that these new reality influences could lead to societal shifts, changes in collective consciousness, or even disruptions in established systems. Stay grounded and focused, and contribute your insights to the collective transformation.

A Suggested Daily Routine 

As the new reality factions bring their energies into our reality, practitioners of the higher order awareness are called to adapt and figure out the best approach to these shifts. Below is a suggested daily routine designed to help you integrate these new cosmic influences into your life, harmonise with the evolving reality, and optimise your energy work and contemplation practices.

1. Morning Activation: Grounding and Alignment (30-45 Minutes)

Wake with Intent: As you wake, set a clear intention for your day. Acknowledge the new reality energies and work to generate a harmonious integration from your higher order energy system to be able to balance out the possible negative effects from the new energies. Generate a new narrative or storyline of the new setting by saying out loud and with the energies to back it up: “I align with the highest vibrations of my energy system to be able to balance the new energies entering our reality. I am open, receptive, and ready to integrate the information and actions from my energy system needed into my life for the highest good of the many.”

Grounding Meditation: Spend 10-15 minutes in a grounding meditation. Visualise roots extending from your feet deep into the original grid connected to your ancient lineage, anchoring you in the present moment. As you breathe, feel the higher order energies from your recalibration section gently flowing down into your bio-field, integrating  and grounding into the original grid lines of your lineage (aka code streams). This balance between your higher order layers of your energy system and the energies of your original linages grid will stabilise your energy system for the day ahead.

2. Midday Reflection: Holographic Awareness and Reality Shifts (15-20 Minutes)

Reality Check-In: Around midday, take a pause to reflect on the holographic-energetic nature of reality. Recognise that your daily interactions and experiences are part of a larger energetic scheme that is being influenced by the incoming new reality energies. Briefly review your day so far, noticing any shifts in patterns, synchronicities, or new awarenesses that have emerged.

Conscious Integration: Consider how the new reality energies—where new ideas, inspirations, and shifts are “traded” in your reality—might be influencing your decisions and interactions. Set an intention to consciously integrate these subtle shifts into your actions, allowing them to guide you in aligning with your highest path.

Energy Alignment Exercise: Close your eyes and visualise your energy field as a dynamic, holographic-energetic grid. See any areas of imbalance being gently realigned by the higher order energies, ensuring that your personal energy sphere is in harmony with the balance point of the new reality shift.

3. Afternoon Practice: Energetic Harmonisation (20-30 Minutes)

Energy Work: Dedicate this time to your preferred energy practice, whether it’s Reiki, Qigong, or any form of energy healing. Focus on harmonising your energy vortices (chakras) with the higher order energies. Pay special attention to the heart and third eye vortices, as these are often the most sensitive to higher-dimensional shifts.

Mantra or Affirmation Practice: Use a mantra or affirmation that resonates with the new energies. For example: “I am in perfect harmony with the original intent of this solar system. My energy flows effortlessly within the evolving reality network and solutions will come to me.” Repeat and allow it to permeate your energy field.

Holographic Visualisation: Engage in a brief holographic-energetic visualisation where you see yourself interacting in your daily life. Picture these interactions being enhanced by the higher order energies from your energy system—perhaps with greater clarity, intuition, or synchronicity. Visualise this new reality being fully integrated into your everyday life.

4. Evening Reflection: Cosmic Contemplation and Integration (30-45 Minutes)

 Journaling: In the evening, spend some time journaling about your experiences throughout the day. Reflect on how the new reality energies have influenced your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Document any insights or shifts in perspective that you’ve noticed.

Contemplation Meditation: Enter a contemplative meditation, focusing on the broader implications of the reality shifts you’ve experienced. Ask yourself how these shifts might affect your spiritual path, your relationships, and your purpose. Allow any answers to arise naturally, without forcing them.

Integration Process: Before bed, perform a simple process to integrate the day’s experiences. Sit quietly, offering appreciation for the higher order energies and the lessons of the day. Visualise the new energies settling into your being, as you get ready for your dream state.

5. Nighttime Preparation: Dream Work and Inter-dimensional Connection (15-20 Minutes)

Prepare for Dream State: The energies you’ve encountered throughout the day may continue to work on you during sleep. Set an intention to be able to clear or adapt what must be adapted from the encounter with these energies in your dreams, allowing further growth and understanding. Affirm: “I know how to deal with the new reality energies in my dreams. May they reveal deeper truths and align me with my highest path.”

By following this routine, you will be well-prepared to navigate the shifting energies and adapt in a proper way to the new reality as they appear in your daily life. Embrace these changes as opportunities for growth and deeper connection with the universe, knowing that you are a vital part of the transformation processes that are going on - be it for the highest good of the many or as an opposition to the existing paradigms.

Until next time, may you navigate these new reality currents with wisdom and balance.

Randi Green